Your #1 Right is the Right to know "How to Win in Court".

You cannot have Prosperity without Peace.

You cannot have Peace without Order.

You cannot have Order without Justice.

You cannot have Justice without Rules.

The Professional Bar is Hiding the Rules.

Hiding the Rules is TYRANNY!

Demand Public Legal Education NOW!

Never in the history of the world has there been greater need for Public Legal Education. The crushing tide of mis-information is washing away the precious vision of those who gave their lives to secure for us a system of courts ensuring the blessings of Liberty for each of us - regardless of our creed, color, or ability to hire a lawyer!

People in every nation are suffering in-justice, because the Rules that make Justice possible are hidden by the professional Bar.

You and your children were taught NOTHING about the Rules.

Act NOW!

American Justice Foundation® is providing legal knowledge omitted from your schools, omitted from churches, omitted from the media ... knowledge you need to prevail when mayhem strikes ... and there is much MORE we must be doing!

Justice Education is your #1 Right!

American Justice Foundation® fills this shameful "education gap" that destroys innocent people every passing day. Good people are trapped by their legal ignorance, robbed of liberty and property by an unscrupulous legal profession that has too long hidden the Rules of Justice that American Justice Foundation® has been teaching for 28 years and will continue to teach with your prayers and support.

American Justice Foundation® teaches you and your children how to use the Rules of Court that belong to you - not the Bar ...simple truths any school child can learn and understand with our teaching methods and materials.

Our Declaration of Trust

Click the link above to read our Declaration of Trust. (Link opens in separate window so you can return to this page after reading.)

Original signed Declaration of Trust is filed in the Public Records of Martin County, Florida and is legally binding on all Trustees.

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Declaration of Independence

We consider our nation's Declaration of Independence as the first official statement of American Jurisprudence ... "The Wisdom of Justice".

Our Declaration of Indepence must bind all government action and guide your nation toward a future that is safe and secure for ALL Americans, regardless of race, religion, politics, or bank balance and ability to hire a lawyer.

Nothing should stand between you and your God-given right to know the Rules of Justice and use them to enforce your Rights when they are threatened!

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"The Power of the People is in the Courts." ... William Blackstone - 1777

This Power has been hidden from the People for thousands of years. ... Luke 11:52

Justice for You and Your Children!

Promote Public Legal Education!

Contact us to learn more.